Photo by Photo by Jordan Harrison on Unsplash


The goal of the odbc package is to provide a DBI-compliant interface to Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers. This allows for an efficient, easy to setup connection to any database with ODBC drivers available, including SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and others. The implementation builds on the nanodbc C++ library.

Jim Hester
Software Engineer

I’m a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix and R package developer.


odbc 1.2.0 is now on CRAN. It includes improvements to dealing with schemas, an API for immediate execution, and a new parameter to …


Getting data into and out of databases is one of the most fundamental parts of data science. Much of the world’s data is stored in …

Getting data into and out of databases is one of the most fundamental parts of data science. Much of the world’s data is stored …

Getting data into and out of databases is one of the most fundamental parts of data science. Much of the world’s data is stored …